Governor Allies Indicted

BREAKING NEWS: Governor allies indicted and under investigation for corruption. It seems there is no end on public corruption in Illinois after the Governor Allies Indicted. Illinois ranks as the highest corrupt state in the nation. Chicago is hands down the most corrupt city in the nation.

Public Corruption Costing Illinois Taxpayers Billions

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Illinois is also the highest taxed state in the country. Public corruption is costing the state over $550 million dollars every year. There were six Illinois governors that were indicted for public corruption over the years. Four Illinois governors have been indicted, convicted, and sentenced to federal prison for felonies involving corruption. The state is in a financial crisis and mess even though it has the highest tax rate in the United States. The U.S. economy was booming prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Dozens of lower-taxed states were thriving and were collecting billions of revenues.

Illinois History of Public Corruption

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, most Republican-led lower-taxed states had billions in surplus. However, Illinois was in a state of a financial crisis prior to the pandemic and is now even closer than ever to bankruptcy. This is mainly due to the massive spread of public corruption by politicians and lawmakers. The current freshman rookie Illinois governor, JB Pritzker, took him no longer than four months to be under federal criminal investigation after getting elected. JB Pritzker has beaten any other Illinois governor in being under federal criminal investigation for tax fraud as soon as taking office. We will explain the current federal criminal investigation of Pritzker in the following paragraphs. In this breaking news article, we will discuss and cover Illinois Governor Allies Indicted and Under Investigation For Corruption.

Fair Tax Illinois Governor Allies Indicted and Under Investigation For CorruptionFair Tax Illinois Governor Allies Indicted And Under Investigation For Corruption

Illinois was in a financial crisis prior to JB Pritzker getting elected into office. However, under the leadership of JB Pritzker, the state’s financial crisis worsen to a level like never before. JB Pritzker is a billionaire. However, he is not a self-made billionaire. He inherited billions of dollars from his father who ran the Hyatt Hotels for many years.

Pritzker is the heir of Hyatt Hotels. Many Illinoisans were under the impression he was a successful businessman and compared him to President Donald Trump. Unfortunately, the rookie heavy-set freshman governor turned out to be a major disappointment.

The minute he got sworn into office, he was under federal criminal investigation for removing toilets from a home he owned next to his Chicago Gold Coast’s mansion.

What Crime Did JB Pritzker Commit?

Pritzker and his wife MK Pritzker ordered contractors to remove five toilets so he can classify the house as uninhabitable so he can save $331,000 in property tax savings. Once Pritzker found out he got caught by an inspector general for his tax fraud scheme, he immediately wrote a $331,000 check to the county assessor’s office to avoid or stop the federal criminal probe.

Pritzker assumed FBI Agents and federal investigators from the U.S. Attorney’s Office have stopped the property tax fraud scheme investigation and said so on a press conference.

However, that was not the case. The recent announcement of House Speaker Michael Madigan getting investigated for bribery schemes with ComEd, the U.S. Attorney’s Office announced the governor’s federal tax fraud investigation is ongoing and by no means over. This announcement seemed to concern JB Pritzker.

History Of Corruption In Illinois Continues

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Corruption is business as usual in Illinois. Corruption has been plagued in Chicago and the state of Illinois for many decades. It is the way of life. All Illinois state lawmakers are part-timers. Why would someone seek state office as a lawmaker? The main reason is to further their careers and put money in their pockets. For example, Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Joseph Madigan has been a lawmaker for over 30 years. He has been the Speaker of the House for many decades and is considered the most powerful politician in Illinois.

Madigan is more powerful than the governor. He controls the governor and the majority which are Democrats. However, Mike Madigan also has a successful Chicago-based property tax appeals law firm.

Due to his power as the House Speaker, Madigan can get the most powerful landowners to become his clients. Due to his influence in Cook County, Chicago, and state governments, Madigan can get reductions in property taxes for his clients thus enriching himself. This may shock others from out of state. However, in Illinois, it is politics as usual. Public corruption is costing Illinoisans $550 million annually. Pubic corruption has infested Illinois. With the combination of incompetent politicians and public corruption, the state is on a fast-track road to bankruptcy.

Associates Of JB Pritzker Getting Investigated And Indicted For Public Corruption

The FBI has a big presence in its public corruption unit in the Chicago FBI Field Office. The Chicago FBI Public Corruption Office has added investigators and support staff to its unit.

Agents have charged several Illinois lawmakers with crimes after these lawmakers teamed with Pritzker in passing the FAIR TAX. These lawmakers charged were very close allies with JB Pritzker and House Speaker Michael Madigan.

JB Pritzker has done nothing to fix Illinois’s financial crisis and mess since taking office. Pritzker’s solution to solving the financial crisis in Illinois is to raise taxes. He has increased taxes in over 20 items and is creating new taxes on anything he can think of. Pritzker recently doubled the state’s gas tax.

Illinois Broken Pension System

Illinois has a broken pension system. The state needs pension reform. However, Governor Pritzker is adamantly against pension reform. He is afraid of losing votes from the unions and government workers. In the meantime, Pritzker is clueless and lost on how to fix the state’s budget deficit. His last and final hope is changing the state’s flat tax to a progressive tax system. He even nicknamed his new progressive tax proposal as the FAIR TAX.

JB Pritzker has been lobbying very hard to promote his FAIR TAX. He even donated over $56 million of his own money in ads promoting the FAIR TAX.

While the governor is promoting and lobbying his progressive tax proposal, federal investigators are investigating countless governor’s allies. Federal agents have arrested at least five Illinois lawmakers who have close ties to the governor. Federal agents have also implicated dozens of the governor’s allies included Speaker of the House Michael Madigan. The five state lawmakers who got arrested all supported the governor’s FAIR TAX. Was Pritzker in cohorts with these five corrupt politicians? Will Pritzker get indicted soon? Will JB Pritzker become the fifth governor to get indicted, sentenced, and sent to prison?

How Many Governor Allies Indicted

The investigation into the Governor Allies Indicted is gaining a lot of attention in a state where public corruption is a way of life. Illinoisans are waking up finally to wonder what these lawmakers really were thinking about when they backed JB Pritzker’s FAIR TAX. Did they have the taxpayer’s best interests in mind?  What did Mike Madigan and JB Pritzker promise them? Madigan is under investigation for bribery and extortion. Pritzker recently gave 35 Madigan allies jobs in state government. Could this have been because Madigan help Pritzker promote his FAIR TAX plan?

Pritzker’s Lobbying The FAIR TAX

The FAIR TAX will be devastating for Illinois taxpayers and small business owners. It will affect over 47% of small business owners. Pritzker is promising middle class and lower class income earners lower taxes. However, the bottom 20% of wage earners will only save $6 dollars. Pritzker’s FAIR TAX will devastate Illinois.

Tens of thousands of Illinoisans will flee Illinois to other lower-taxed states. So far, 5 governor allies indicted for corruption and other wrongdoing. The Speaker of the House Michael Madigan is definitely being investigated but not charged with a crime yet.

Many insiders and reliable sources say Mike Madigan will be getting indicted very soon. Any day. JB Pritzker’s tax fraud scheme investigation is ongoing. The FBI is now requesting records from former Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios’s Office and those involved in the governor’s property tax fraud scheme. Things will get uglier in Illinois before they get better.

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