90 LTV Jumbo Loans

In this blog, we will discuss and cover our traditional 90 LTV jumbo loans with no private mortgage insurance required. Gustan Cho Associates offers a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional alternative jumbo mortgage programs. With 160 plus wholesale lenders, we are lucky to be able to offer any loan program that is available. Real estate prices have been increasing since 2010. Despite mortgage rates being the highest since 2010, home prices have been increasing with no signs of any correction.

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What Are Jumbo Mortgage Loans

In the following paragraphs,  we are going to discuss and cover qualifying for jumbo loans with a 10% down payment with no mortgage insurance required. Both HUD and FHFA have increased loan limits due to rising home prices for six years in a row skyrocketing home prices. Despite higher interest rates, there is more demand for homes nationwide. Due to more demand than supply of housing, home prices are rising with no signs of a housing correction. FHA loan limit is capped at $420,680. The conforming loan limit is capped at $647,200.

Types of Jumbo Loans

Any home loan higher than a $647,200 loan balance is called jumbo mortgages and/or non-conforming loans. Most Lenders have much tougher lending requirements on Jumbo Home Loans than on government and/or conventional loans. More and more lenders nationwide are offering Jumbo loans to keep up with rising home prices. However, Jumbo Loans are considered riskier loans for lenders. It takes time to resell a higher-end property that has been foreclosed. Mortgage Rates are much higher and down payment requirements are larger on jumbo mortgages.

General Guidelines on Jumbo Loans

Lenders also normally require 720 credit scores and 12 months’ reserves on non-conforming loans. Down payment requirements are normally 20% to 25%. Gustan Cho Associates is proud to announce our new jumbo loans With a 10% down payment with no mortgage insurance that is available immediately. In the following paragraphs, we will discuss and cover jumbo loans with a 10% down payment with no mortgage insurance. We will also discuss and cover jumbo loans with lower credit scores. Speak With Our Loan Officer For Jumbo Loans

Jumbo Mortgages Explained

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Any mortgage loan with a loan balance higher than the conforming loan limit of $647,200 is called a Jumbo loan. Jumbo loans are also called non-conforming loans since they do not meet the maximum $647,200 conforming loan limit set by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In general, traditional lenders of jumbo loans require borrowers with outstanding credit scores (over 700 FICO) and lower debt to income ratios. Gustan Cho Associates now has a traditional Jumbo Loan program for borrowers with credit scores down to 660 FICO and up to a 50% debt to income ratio. 20% down payment is required for lower credit score borrowers on Jumbo loans.

What Mortgage Rates on the Rise Due to Inflation Fears Mean to Jumbo Loans

The Federal Reserve Board is planning on increasing rates again. With over 160 wholesale lending relationships, Gustan Cho Associates has thousands of mortgage loan options for homebuyers and real estate investors. Gustan Cho Associates has a national reputation for being able to close loans other mortgage companies cannot. We are known by many repeat clients as a one-stop mortgage shop. We offer countless mortgage loan products on owner-occupant, second homes, and investment properties.

Competitive Housing Market Driving Up Prices of Homes

Seems to be a shortage of home inventory versus demand nationwide. The maximum loan limit for FHA is $420,680 for 2022. The conventional loan limit is capped at $647,200 unless the properties are in a high-cost area.  Due to rising home prices both HUD and FHFA have increased loan limits for two years in a row. Many qualified home buyers were hindered in buying homes due to home prices exceeding government and conforming loan limits and falling into non-conforming/Jumbo Loan Limit territory. FHA and conventional loans in high-cost areas are called high-balance loans or FHA and/or conforming high-balance jumbo loans. FHA jumbo loans are capped at $947,800 for 2022. Conforming Jumbo loans in high-cost areas are capped at $947,800 for 2022.

Mortgage Guideline Comparisons Between Jumbo Versus Conforming Loans

Any loans over $647,200 are considered Jumbo Mortgages. Jumbo loans are home loans that have loan balances higher than the conforming $647,200. Jumbo mortgage lenders consider jumbo loans as higher risk. Therefore, in general, jumbo lenders want the borrower to have skin in the game. What this means are a larger down payment and better credit. The lower the credit score, the higher the risk level for the lender. Due to the higher risk factor, lenders required a 20% to 25% down payment on all Jumbo loans. Due to this issue, Gustan Cho Associates has wholesale lending partners that launched the 90 LTV Jumbo Loans. The great part of 90 LTV Jumbo Loans is borrowers will have no private mortgage insurance required.

90 LTV Jumbo Loans Is Now Available For Home Buyers

Traditional and NON-QM 90% Loan Products. An amazing new NON-QM loan product has been added to our long list of loan products available at Gustan Cho Associates. We are excited to roll out 90% LTV Jumbo Loans. It is a NON-QM mortgage loan program. This will be a game-changer for many clients. This holds true, especially for homebuyers in need of Jumbo Mortgages. It is tricky to get a Jumbo loan with 10% down these days. 10% down payment with no private mortgage insurance is UNHEARD OF. In this blog, we will explore the qualifications of the NEW 10% down payment NON-QM loan with NO MORTGAGE INSURANCE. Click here to apply for 90LTV Jumbo Loans

Buyers Benefiting From 90 LTV Jumbo Loans With No Mortgage Insurance

Who is the 90%% LTV NON-QM mortgage designed for? Jumbo loans are for homebuyers buying higher-priced homes who do not want to put all their cash down for a down payment.

  • Borrowers who are 4 years out of a Foreclosure, Deed-in-Lieu, or Short Sale
  • Borrowers looking to purchase over FHA loan limits

90 LTV Jumbo Loans Mortgage Guidelines

What are the basic requirements for the 90 LTV jumbo loans product?

  • With the traditional jumbo loan program, borrowers need a 720 or higher credit score
  • Only available for ONE Unit Primary Residences

Full Income Documentation:

  • NOT a bank statement loan
  • Timely payments in the past 12 months

Cannot have late payments on housing:

  • Cannot be 30 days late on housing payments in the last 12 months
  • Timely payments in the past 24 months
  • MUST HAVE 12 months of reserves (total mortgage payment, PITIA)

Reserves do not need to be cash:

  • Can be 401k and/or investment accounts

Max DTI = 35%/40%:

One of the best features of this loan product is you are not required to carry mortgage insurance.

  • Mortgage insurance is great for many loan products when not putting down 20% but can be a pain to cancel
  • With this NON-QM loan product, homeowners will not need to worry about canceling their private mortgage insurance premium and you’re not putting down a 20% down payment

Meaning you will not need to go through the troubles of canceling your Mortgage Insurance once you get your loan down to 80% LTV or carry it throughout the life of the loan like some FHA loans.

Underwriting Guidelines For 90 LTV Jumbo Loans

Underwriting Requirements:

The primary wage earner’s credit score will be used if the co-borrower has lower than 720 credit scores:

  • Must be above 720

Must show no late payments on housing payments in the past 12 months:


Must have 3 or more tradelines reporting for 12 months or longer:

  • or 2 tradelines reporting for 24 months or longer AND have activity within the past 12 months

Closing in 30 days or less.

Lenders Offering Creative Jumbo Loan Options

Lenders consider buyers with a larger down payment on home purchases less risky borrowers. Especially with jumbo mortgages. The larger down payment shows the borrower has skin in the game. Homebuyers with 20% to 25% down payments will not easily let their homes be foreclosed. Most higher-end home buyers may have the necessary 20% to 25% down payment on a home purchase.

Jumbo Loans With Lower Down Payments Mortgage Options

But may not want all that cash tied up in their homes. Many may need it for other purposes like for their businesses or investments. Our new jumbo loans with a 10% down payment program at Gustan Cho Associates, provide flexibility for higher-end home buyers. They can now purchase the home of their dreams without soaking in tons of money for their down payment. We also offer Jumbo loans for borrowers with lower credit scores which we will cover in this article. We have Jumbo loans with credit scores down to 660 FICO and non-QM jumbo mortgages down to 550 FICO. Connect With Our Loan Officer For Jumbo Loans with Lower Down Payments Mortgage

Jumbo Loans With A 10% Down Payment With No Mortgage Insurance Guidelines

90 LTV Jumbo Loans

Gustan Cho Associates is proud to announce the offering of jumbo loans With a 10%% Down Payment With No Mortgage Insurance. The maximum loan amount is $3.0 million for the 90% LTV jumbo loan program. Our traditional jumbo loans with a 10% down payment with no mortgage insurance require a credit score of 720 minimum. This loan program is for full doc only and is not available yet for bank statement loan programs for self-employed borrowers. We also offer jumbo loans with lower credit scores which we will cover later in this article.

Reserve Requirements on 10% down payment jumbo loans

12 months reserves of P.I.T.I. Reserves do not need to be in cash. 401k Retirement Accounts and/or other liquidate investment accounts can be used as reserves. No private mortgage insurance is required. 5% down payment loan program is for primary owner occupant residences only. It is for purchases only and not for refinancing. The loan program is for single-family homes only and not multi-family dwellings. Verification of Rent required for past 12 months of timely housing payment history. The maximum front-end debt to income ratio is capped at 35% DTI. The maximum back-end debt to income ratio is capped at 40% DTI.

Jumbo Loans 10% Down Payment No PMI Mortgage Lenders

Borrowers with credit scores under 720, please contact Gustan Cho Associates at 800-900-8569 or text us for a faster response. Or email us at gcho@gustancho.com. We can help boost credit scores through our in-house FICO Simulator at no charge. There are some quick fixes to boosting credit scores to qualify for a mortgage.

Bank Statement Loans on Jumbo Loans For Self-Employed Borrowers

Gustan Cho Associates offers bank statement mortgage loans for self-employed borrowers. No income tax returns are required and we just go off either 12 months and/or 24 months bank statement deposits. The average monthly deposit is used as borrowers’ qualified monthly income. Homebuyers with any questions about the new 10% Down Payment JUMBO Mortgage Loan Program can contact us anytime. We are experts on traditional, NON-QM, and alternative financing and can help home buyers get into the house you and your family have been dreaming of! We are a full-service lender and we do not have ANY LENDER OVERLAYS so we can service most clients. The Team at Gustan Cho Associates is available 7 days a week, on evenings, weekends, and holidays. Click here to apply for Bank Statement Loans on Jumbo Loans for Self-Employed

Traditional and Non-traditional  90 LTV Jumbo Loans With No Private Mortgage Insurance

Jumbo mortgages are home loans with a loan balance higher than the conforming loan limit of $647,200. Lenders consider jumbo loans higher-risk loans. This is because it is difficult for higher-end homes to sell in the event the property goes into foreclosure and needs liquidation. Homes that can be financed with government and/or conventional loans often have buyers within a short period of time after the finalization of the housing event. However, larger higher-priced homes often remain on the market for months if not years. The longer it takes for a property to sell after foreclosure means a higher risk level for the lender. This is why lenders of jumbo loans require tougher lending requirements including substantial down payments.

90 LTV Jumbo Loans: Traditional Versus Non-QM Jumbo Mortgages

Gustan Cho Associates offers multiple jumbo loan programs. This includes traditional jumbo and non-QM jumbo mortgages. Gustan Cho Associates is proud to introduce traditional 90 LTV Jumbo Loans for homebuyers of higher-end homes. We also offer Non-QM 90 LTV Jumbo Loans for higher credit score borrowers. We have traditional 90 LTV Jumbo Loans for borrowers with at least a 720 credit score. We offer 90 LTV Jumbo Loans on both traditional and non-QM jumbo mortgages. Another popular jumbo non-QM loan program for self-employed borrowers is the bank statement loan program with no income documentation required. Borrowers with higher debt to income ratio can qualify for a special jumbo loan program we have which allows up to a 50% debt to income ratio.

Traditional 90 LTV Jumbo Loans With Credit Scores Down to 660 FICO

Borrowers with credit scores down to 660 FICO are eligible to qualify for traditional Jumbo Loans. Gustan Cho Associates now offers Jumbo Loans With a 20% Down Payment With No Mortgage Insurance. Debt to income ratio caps is up to 50%. We also offer Non-QM Jumbo Loans with borrowers down to 550 credit scores. Lower credit score borrowers need larger down payments. Jumbo Loans are portfolio loans for mortgage loan balances that are above $647,200.

Mortgage Rates on 90% LTV Jumbo Loans

Jumbo Loans normally have higher mortgage rates than regular conventional loans. Jumbo mortgage rates are higher than conventional loans. Most lenders require a 75% loan to value whereas they require borrowers to put down a 25% down payment. There are other lenders that will bump the loan to value to 80% LTV on Jumbo Loans. The higher the loan to value, the higher the mortgage rate. This is because borrowers have less skin in the game. Homebuyers and homeowners of high-end homes can now qualify for 90 LTV Jumbo Loans With No Private Mortgage Insurance.

Jumbo Loans For Self Employed Borrowers with No Income Docs Required

Jumbo Loans for self-employed borrowers are now available by lenders with lender-paid mortgage insurance. There are no mortgage insurance premium requirements for borrowers. It is called LPMI, which stands for Lender Paid Mortgage Insurance. Mortgage rates for Lender Paid Mortgage Insurance Jumbo Loans are normally slightly higher than regular Jumbo Loans. The mortgage insurance premium is built into the rate. With 90 LTV Jumbo Loans, lender-paid mortgage insurance Jumbo Loans are ideal for borrowers who want to put down as little cash as possible on their high-end home purchase.

Jumbo Loans With Lower Credit Scores and Higher Debt To Income Ratio

For borrowers to qualify for a 90 LTV Jumbo Loans the following are the requirements:

  • The minimum credit score of 660
  • Minimum of six months reserves which can be IRA, 401K, investment accounts, and other liquid securities
  • It does not have to be in cash
  • Minimum of 50% debt to income ratio
  • No overdrafts in the past two months
  • No late payments in the past 12 months
  • Minimum of 4 credit lines the past 12 months
  • No bankruptcies nor foreclosures in the past 4 years
  • Maximum loan amount of $5,000,000
  • No debt settlement programs nor no reduced payoffs with creditors in the past 4 years

Debt settlement and reduced payoff programs are viewed the same as bankruptcy.

Full-Doc Traditional Jumbo Loans With 660 Credit Score and 50% Debt to Income Ratio

Gustan Cho Associates Mortgage Group now offers traditional Jumbo Mortgages with no mortgage insurance for W2 wage earners and high debt to income ratio.

  • 660 FICO credit score is required
  • The maximum loan limit is $5,000,000
  • Borrowers under 660 credit scores need to put more money down
  • Debt to income ratio up to 50%

This is a traditional jumbo loan program with full documentation.

Jumbo Loan Mortgage Calculator With PMI, Taxes, Insurance, and Debt to Income Ratio 

Gustan Cho Associates has developed a custom unique user-friendly Jumbo loan mortgage calculator with PMI, HOA, property taxes, and homeowners insurance. It is so easy to use. It was designed for everyone from loan officers, underwriters, mortgage processors, realtors, borrowers, and anyone who needs a simple user-friendly best mortgage calculator. Hands down, the Best Mortgage Calculator powered by Alex Carlucci of Gustan Cho Associates is a must for anyone in the mortgage industry, real estate field, and most importantly, for borrowers. The Best Mortgage Calculator has the debt to income ratio function where anyone can figure out the debt to income ratio on a subject property. All you need to do is plug in the numbers and you get the results. It is the most accurate best mortgage calculator available today. Users who try the Best Mortgage Calculator of Gustan Cho Associates are hooked and will be loyal lifetime users.

Qualifying For NON-QM Jumbo Loans With No-Income Documentation For Self-Employed Borrowers

Gustan Cho Associates offers non-QM jumbo mortgages for W-2 employees and self-employed borrowers.

  • No income tax returns are required for non-QM jumbo bank statement mortgage loan programs
  • There is no private mortgage insurance required on all non-QM loans including Jumbo non-QM mortgages
  • The maximum loan amount is capped at $5,000,000
  • No waiting period after bankruptcy, foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, short sale
  • Higher loan balances on Jumbo loans can be negotiated to a higher loan limit with compensating factors
  • 10% to 30% down payment
  • Down payment requirement depends on borrowers’ credit scores, lender’s layered risk levels, and compensating factors
  • Mortgage rates depend on down payment and credit scores and the lender’s risk levels

Qualify for Non-Qm Jumbo Loans with No-Income

Best Jumbo Loan Mortgage Lenders of 90 LTV Jumbo Loans and Non-QM Jumbo Mortgages

Gustan Cho Associates has a wide variety of mortgage options on Jumbo loans. From low down payment jumbo loans to low credit score jumbo mortgage options, and high debt to income jumbo loan programs, we have it all. High-end home buyers who are interested in qualifying for either traditional and/or non-QM 90 LTV Jumbo Loans, please contact us at Gustan Cho Associates at 800-900-8569. Or text for a faster response. You can email us at gcho@gustancho.com. The team at Gustan Cho Associates is available 7 days a week, on evenings, weekends, and holidays. Apply today at www.gustancho.com by clicking the APPLY NOW icon on the top right.

At What LTV is the Lender Required to Automatically Remove Private Mortgage Insurance?

Mortgage insurance will be automatically deleted by the lender when the loan to value (LTV) ratio reaches at 78% above based on the initial value of the home. The homeowner usually gets there when 22% equity in their house is paid off; nevertheless, if you have a good payment record and fulfill other borrowing conditions, a borrower may ask for this coverage to be dropped anytime after LTV reaches 80%.

How to Get PMI Waived?

To have your PMI waived especially with 90 LTV Jumbo Loans, here are some of the steps to follow:

  1. Create Equity: Pay down your mortgage until you owe 80% or less of your home’s value. This is equivalent to saying that you have at least 20% equity.
  2. Obtain a New Appraisal: If you think that the value of your home has gone up, then you may request for another appraisal. In case it shows that you own 20% equity, call on your lender to remove PMI.
  3. Contact Your Lender: Once you can legally prove ownership over an amount equivalent to twenty percent of the purchase price, approach your moneylender and ask him/her to stop collecting PMI. They might need a written request from you.
  4. Maintain Good Payment History: Make certain that all payments made were in time especially in the last single year so as to boost chances of having PMI removed.
  5. Automatic Removal: For as long as those whose loan amounts are still outstanding hit 78% of what they were once worth originally before this percentage gets achieved, their lenders must automatically take off any charges they previously imposed concerning insurance cover.

The process is similar for 90 LTV Jumbo Loans, but check with your lender regarding additional requirements if he/she doesn’t deal with jumbo loans only.

FAQs: 90 LTV Jumbo Loans With No Private Mortgage Insurance

  • 1. So, what are 90 LTV Jumbo Loans? Jumbo loans of this kind allow you to borrow up to 90% of the property’s value without needing private mortgage insurance (PMI). It is an excellent way for purchasing high cost houses without making huge down payment.
  • 2. Are 90 LTV Jumbo Loans PMI free? No; one of the major advantages of 90 LTV Jumbo Loans is that you don’t pay PMI even at ten per cent down.
  • 3. Who can benefit from 90 LTV Jumbo Loans? These loans are great for people who want to buy expensive homes but don’t want to put all their money in a large deposit. Apart from that, they are also meant for those who have been out of foreclosure, deed-in-lieu or short sale for four years now.
  • 4. What do I need to qualify for a 90 LTV Jumbo Loan? In most cases, credit score above 720, complete income verification and make timely payments on your housing over last twelve months. Additionally, you should have twelve month’s reserves which could be either cash or investment accounts and not exceed a maximum debt-to-income ratio (DTI) of thirty-five percent front end and forty percent back end.
  • 5. How do I get rid of PMI? To evade PMI payments, increase your home equity by reducing your loan balance to less than eighty percent loan-to-value ratio (LVR). Afterward, order an appraisal to prove having reached twenty per cent equity. Finally ask your lender to cancel it after your mortgage has been properly serviced and court no claims about the loan not performing well. However, lenders must always automatically terminate it once the balance falls below seventy-eight percent irrespective whether you have defaulted on any payments or not.
  • 6. Can I get a 90 LTV Jumbo Loan for refinancing? No, these loans are usually restricted to purchases and not rate and term refinancing.
  • 7. How big are 90 LTV Jumbo Loans? The loan amount can be as high as $5,000,000 depending on the applicable program guidelines and lender overlays in place.
  • 8. What if I have a credit score below 720? With scores less than 720 you may still qualify however the terms will be tougher. At Gustan Cho Associates, we offer options that help raise your credit scores thereby enabling you to get better loan terms.
  • 9. Can self-employed borrowers apply for 90 LTV Jumbo Loans? Yes, but you’ll need full documentation of income and bank statement loans are not allowed under this particular program.
  • 10. How is Gustan Cho Associates different when it comes to 90 LTV Jumbo Loans? They have more than one hundred sixty wholesale lending relationships providing numerous types of loan programs. They focus on closing difficult loans that many other mortgage companies shy away from hence they act like the Amazon of mortgages.

For more information or an application contact Gustan Cho Associates at 800-900-8569 or visit their website. They work seven days a week including evenings weekends and holidays. Click here to speak With Our Loan Officer For Mortgage

This blog about 90 LTV Jumbo Loans With No Private Mortgage Insurance was updated on July 1st, 2024.

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