Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien

Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien And Judgments

Gustan Cho Associates are mortgage brokers licensed in 48 states

Simple Guide on Getting a Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien in 2024

If you owe money to the government and need cash for your property projects, it might seem hard to get a loan. But, there’s still hope with a hard money loan with federal tax lien. This easy 2024 guide will show you how to get a hard money loan with a federal tax lien. We will talk about who can get these loans, find lenders who are okay with giving loans to folks with tax issues, and explain the kind of deal you should expect. Plus, we’ll guide you through the steps to apply and what it might mean for your wallet and share tips and stories from people who’ve been in your shoes and still got their loan.

Eligibility for a Hard Money Loan With a Federal Tax Lien

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Many often wonder if they can get a hard money loan with a federal tax lien against their name. The encouraging news is that securing a hard money loan with a federal tax lien is totally achievable.

Unlike traditional banks that emphasize a borrower’s credit history, hard money lenders are more interested in the actual value of the property you’re putting up as collateral.

This means even if you have a federal tax lien, you could still be in a good position to get a loan if your property holds enough value. Let’s break it down into simpler bits:

Value Over Credit: When considering a hard money loan with a federal tax lien, remember that your property’s worth is more important than your credit history for these lenders.

Need Enough Equity: For your application to succeed, the prime requirement is that your property has a good chunk of equity. The lender is interested in this because if things go differently than planned, they want to be sure they can recover their money based on the property’s value.

Dealing with the Lien: When it comes to the nitty-gritty of handling the federal tax lien, different lenders take different approaches. While some might insist that the Lien needs to be cleared off at the time of closing the loan, others may be okay with it as long as they are in a secure position concerning the property’s equity.

In essence, it’s certainly doable if you’re looking to get a hard money loan with a federal tax lien. The focal point for lenders is mainly the worth of your property over your past credit behaviors. With sufficient equity in your property, a hard money loan can be a viable financial route, even with the challenge of a federal tax lien hanging over your financial history. Speak With Our Loan Officer for Hard Money Loan

Lenders Offering Hard Money Loans With Federal Tax Liens

Navigating the path to securing a hard money loan with federal tax lien can seem like walking through a maze without a map. The key to finding your way lies in identifying the right lender who understands your unique predicament and is prepared to work with you. It’s rare for every lender to entertain applications with federal tax liens attached. Still, there are a select few who specialize in these challenging circumstances.

Gustan Cho Associates stands out in this niche. They’re particularly known for their adaptability and genuine willingness to support borrowers facing tough financial times. Their approach is quite personal; they look beyond the numbers and focus on finding a solution to help you move forward.

When you’re on the hunt for a hard money loan with federal tax lien, it’s essential to partner with a lender who doesn’t just see you as another file on their desk. Gustan Cho Associates makes it clear that they’re in your corner, ready to offer the guidance and financial solutions you desperately need. They understand that everyone’s journey is unique, and they’re prepared to navigate the complexities of federal tax liens.

For anyone trying to secure a hard money loan with federal tax lien, it’s encouraging to know there’s a lender specializing in these scenarios and treating you with the empathy and respect you deserve. With a lender like Gustan Cho Associates, you have the support to turn your financial situation around potentially.

Loan Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions for a hard money loan with federal tax lien can vary significantly from traditional loans. Here’s what you can typically expect:

  • Higher Interest Rates: Interest rates for these loans are usually higher than those for conventional loans because of the increased risk involved.
  • Shorter Loan Terms: These loans are usually short-term, ranging from 6 to 24 months.
  • Higher Down Payments: Expect to make a larger down payment, often around 25% to 30% of the property’s value.
  • Interest-Only Payments: Most hard money loans require you to make payments that cover only the interest, with the full amount you borrowed due at the end of the loan term.

The Application Process

Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien

Have you ever thought of getting a loan backed by real estate but felt stuck because of a tax issue? Here’s the lowdown about applying for a hard money loan with federal tax lien:

Checking Out Your Property

First, the lender will want to take a good look at your property. It’s like getting your house assessed to determine its worth. They need to be sure it’s worth the dough.

Spill the Beans on Your Tax Issue

Got a federal tax lien? Don’t try to hide it. Be straight up about any tax issues you’ve got. It’s better to lay all your cards on the table from the start.

How Much Equity Do You Have?

Next, they’ll determine how much equity you’ve got in the property. Basically, they want to ensure they’ve got enough cushion in case things go south. They’re looking to see if the value of your property gives them a good safety net.

Let’s Talk Numbers and Details

This is where you get into the nitty-gritty. Discuss the loan details, like how much the interest will hit you, when and how you’ll pay back, and what happens with the tax lien in the mix. It’s like haggling but with more at stake.

Seal the Deal and Move Forward

If everything checks out, you can wrap this up quickly, sometimes in as quickly as 30 days. It’s about getting through the paperwork and making it official so you can get going with your plans.

Remember, a hard money loan with federal tax lien is different from your standard bank loan, so it’s all about the value of your property and being open about any financial snags you’re dealing with. Speak With Our Loan Officer for FHA Loans

Impact on Finances

Securing a hard money loan with federal tax lien can have several financial implications:

  • Higher Costs: The interest rates on these loans tend to be higher, resulting in larger down payments and, ultimately, higher overall costs.
  • Cash Flow Management: Remember, managing your cash flow is important because you’ll need to make interest-only payments.
  • Lien Payoff: Sometimes, part of the loan proceeds may be used to pay off the federal tax lien, reducing your financial burden.

Practical Case Studies from Everyday Life

Navigating financing options in the world of real estate investment can be quite a journey, especially when hurdles like federal tax liens are involved. This brings us to look closely at some real-life examples of investors who overcame their financial challenges by opting for a hard money loan with federal tax lien.

How a Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien Made a Difference

Meet John, a seasoned real estate investor. His portfolio is impressive, but so was the $150,000 federal tax lien clouding his financial horizon. The lien was a significant roadblock in his path, especially when he stumbled upon an incredible opportunity – a property listed for $500,000 that he knew had immense potential. The clock was ticking, and traditional financing methods were not an option due to the urgency of the situation and the tax lien’s presence.

John had heard about Gustan Cho Associates, known for its flexible financing solutions. They offered what John needed – a hard money loan with federal tax lien. This type of loan was perfect for John’s situation because it focused more on the property’s value than John’s financial woes.

Remarkably, the loan was processed and closed within 20 days, a nearly impossible feat with conventional loans. With the funds, John could snatch up the property and allocate a portion of the loan to settle part of his tax lien, clearing the way for his investment project.

Solution Through a Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien

Sarah, a sharp-minded real estate lawyer with an enviable track record, was in a bind with a $100,000 federal tax lien. She had her eye on a property worth $300,000 that needed renovations. However, this tax lien was a substantial barrier, and securing financing seemed like a distant dream.

Sarah reached out to Gustan Cho Associates, who were more than willing to assess her situation. They provided her with the hard money loan with federal tax lien she desperately needed.

This loan was a game-changer for Sarah. It took into account the equity of the property rather than focusing solely on the tax lien. Furthermore, the loan arrangement allowed for the lien to be partially subordinated, giving Sarah access to the necessary funds to breathe new life into the property.

These real-life experiences highlight the impact a hard money loan with federal tax lien can have on real estate investors dealing with federal tax liens. By focusing on the value of the property and offering rapid turnaround times, these loans present a viable solution for investors like John and Sarah, enabling them not to let tax liens deter their investment dreams. Speak With Our Loan Officer for FMortgage Loans

Pro Tips

Managing a federal tax lien while securing a hard money loan requires careful planning. Take heed of these additional tips:

  1. Consult with a Financial Advisor: Before you borrow, talk to a money expert to understand completely what happens if you take on more debt.
  2. Negotiate with the IRS: Sometimes, the IRS might be willing to work out a payment plan or lower the priority of the lien to help you get a loan.
  3. Maintain Transparency: Always be transparent with your lender about your financial situation, including any tax liens.
  4. Prepare for Higher Costs: Be prepared for the higher costs associated with hard money loans and plan your budget accordingly.


Securing a hard money loan with federal tax lien is challenging but possible. Understanding the eligibility requirements, finding the right lenders, and getting ready for the application process can improve your chances of success. Remember the financial consequences and consult with a professional to assist you in handling the challenges of handling a federal tax lien while securing the funding you require.

If you have any questions about Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien or you need to qualify for loans with a lender with no overlays, please contact us at 800-900-8569. Text us for a faster response. Or email us at alex@gustancho.com. The team at Gustan Cho Associates is available 7 days a week, on evenings, weekends, and holidays. Speak With Our Loan Officer for about your mortgage enquiry

FAQs: Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien And Judgments

  • 1. What is a Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien? A hard money loan with federal tax lien is a type of loan that uses the value of your property as collateral, allowing you to secure financing even if you have a federal tax lien. These loans are often used by real estate investors who need quick access to funds.
  • 2. Can I get a Hard Money Loan if I have a Federal Tax Lien? Yes, you can. Lenders offering a hard money loan with federal tax liens focus more on the value of your property than your credit history. If your property has enough equity, you can still qualify for the loan despite having a tax lien.
  • 3. Who are the Lenders that Offer Hard Money Loans With Federal Tax Liens? Some lenders specialize in these situations, such as Gustan Cho Associates, who is known for their flexibility and willingness to work with borrowers with federal tax liens.
  • 4. What are the Terms and Conditions of a Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien? When obtaining a hard money loan with a federal tax lien, expect higher interest rates, shorter loan terms of 6 to 24 months, higher down payments (around 25% to 30% of the property’s value), and interest-only payments with the principal due at the end of the term.
  • 5. What is the Application Process for a Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien? Applying for a hard money loan with a federal tax lien begins with property appraisal. Be transparent about the tax lien. The lender will then assess the property’s equity. After that, you can discuss loan terms, including interest rates and lien-related conditions. If everything checks out, the approval and closing can happen quickly, often within 30 days.
  • 6. How Does a Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien Impact My Finances? Getting a hard money loan with federal tax lien can affect your finances by increasing costs through higher interest rates and larger down payments. It also requires careful cash flow management due to interest-only payments. On the positive side, the loan proceeds can sometimes be used to pay off the federal tax lien, reducing your financial burden.
  • 7. Can you Share Real-Life Examples of Hard Money Loans With Federal Tax Liens? A real estate investor, John used a hard money loan from Gustan Cho Associates to finance a $500,000 property and settle his $150,000 federal tax lien. Sarah, a real estate lawyer, obtained a hard money loan to renovate a $300,000 property while dealing with a $100,000 federal tax lien, thanks to Gustan Cho Associates’ provision for partial lien subordination.
  • 8. What Legal and Financial Advice Should I Consider? Remember to talk to a financial advisor to understand how more debt will affect you. You should also negotiate with the IRS for a payment plan and be honest about your financial situation. Lastly, get ready for higher costs associated with hard money loans.

For more personalized advice and assistance, contact us at Gustan Cho Associates. We’re available 7 days a week, including evenings, weekends, and holidays. Call us at 800-900-8569 or email alex@gustancho.com.

This blog about Hard Money Loan With Federal Tax Lien And Judgments was updated on July 9th, 2024.


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  1. Hello Gustan Cho#

    I have a prospect located in the Westchester New York area that is requesti for $300,000 Purchase Loan. The only problem is that the propsect has Two Tax Liens is still paying on for more than two years. He has three properties currently and wants to buy another SFR.

    Any advice on how I can find him funding?

    Please respond.

    Thank you.

    Regards ,

    Eddie Stevens
    Hard Money Finder
    Buainess Funding

    1. Tax liens are okay as long as the borrower has a written payment agreement with the IRS and has a history of making at least three monthly payments and can provide canceled checks.

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