FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections For 2024

we will discuss the FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections, crucial information for anyone seeking an FHA loan. These guidelines allow individuals with outstanding charge-offs and collection accounts to qualify for FHA financing. Despite such financial blemishes on your credit report, you may still meet the criteria for securing an FHA loan.

Understanding these guidelines is crucial for navigating the loan application process with confidence. By adhering to the FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections, borrowers can better assess their eligibility and take the necessary steps to secure the financing they need.

If you’ve been concerned about how charge-offs or collection accounts might impact your ability to obtain an FHA loan, fear not. We’re here to clarify how these guidelines could affect your loan approval process. Let’s dive in and explore the intricacies of FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections for 2024.

HUD guidelines do not require paying outstanding collections or charge-offs before obtaining financing

FHA loans stand out as the preferred loan program in the United States, especially for first-time homebuyers, individuals with higher debt-to-income ratios, and those with financial setbacks like collections and charged-off accounts. This preference is largely due to the flexibility offered by FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections, accommodating homebuyers with lower credit scores.

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What Are Charged-Off Credit Accounts?

According to the FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections, charge-off accounts refer to those where creditors consider the consumer’s credit account uncollectible and write it off their books. Typically, after six months of non-payment on a revolving credit card account, most credit card companies will charge it off. It’s important to note that a charged-off account doesn’t absolve consumers of their debt. These accounts can still be sold to third-party collection agencies.

Can I Get a Mortgage With a Charge-Off?

Per FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections, borrowers are eligible for FHA loans, even if they have outstanding charge-off accounts, without the obligation to settle or pay them off. If you’re considering an FHA loan, charge-offs, and collection accounts don’t necessarily need to be paid off to meet the loan requirements.

Getting an approve/eligible decision from an automated underwriting system (AUS) with FHA loans is more accessible compared to other government or conventional loan programs, as per FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections. Nonetheless, the crucial factor for FHA mortgage approval remains maintaining timely payments over the past 12 months. Gustan Cho Associates assists borrowers with previous credit challenges, including lower credit scores and unresolved charged-off accounts, adhering to FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections. See if you qualify for a mortgage now

Does HUD Require Charge-Offs To Be Paid on FHA Loans?

FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections encompass two categories. Lenders universally demand adherence to the minimal criteria set by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which oversees FHA initiatives, such as mortgage guarantees.

Agency guidelines are the minimum that borrowers must meet. Mortgage lenders often set stricter underwriting guidelines than required by HUD.

These guidelines aim to curtail loan defaults. Failure to comply, even when adhering to FHA stipulations, can jeopardize a lender’s FHA approval, particularly if a disproportionate number of their loans result in foreclosure.

FHA Loans For Bad Credit With Charged-Off Accounts

These supplemental criteria, known as “lender overlays,” are within legal bounds. Most mortgage providers implement lender overlays for both government-backed and conventional loans.

Lenders can be as strict as they want as long as they comply with the minimum standards established for the FHA program and don’t break any fair lending laws. 

FHA program directives do not mandate borrowers to settle collections or charge-offs before loan disbursement. Nevertheless, numerous lenders impose this condition. At Gustan Cho Associates, we avoid implementing overlays for FHA financing or any mortgage program. We adhere strictly to FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections, maintaining a policy of zero lender overlays. Click Here to speak us about charge-offs before funding a loan

FHA Loans With Collection Accounts

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According to FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections, non-medical collection accounts with balances exceeding $2,000 can be overlooked by lenders.

However, it’s essential to provide a letter detailing the circumstances that led to these non-medical bills ending in collections. This letter helps the lender assess whether the collection account or judgment stemmed from negligence in financial responsibilities, debt mismanagement, or extenuating circumstances beyond your control. Contact Us if you have FHA Loans For Bad Credit

FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections on Medical Credit Tradelines

Medical collections are treated differently than non-medical collection accounts. The 5% rule does not apply. No matter how high the balance is, FHA underwriters do not apply a monthly payment to your DTI calculation.  No matter how much the medical collection account’s outstanding balance is, FHA guidelines do not require lenders to include a payment in your DTI ratio.  Unless your mortgage lender has an overlay requiring payment of medical collections, underwriters will probably ignore them.

FHA Guidelines on Disputed Charge-Off and Collection Accounts

Sometimes, you might dispute a charge-off, collection, or other derogatory entry on your credit report. Automated underwriting system (AUS) normally excludes disputed accounts. If you’re disputing late payments, collections, or charge-offs and the total of disputed non-medical accounts is less than $1,000, you don’t have to do anything special, and your application can go through AUS.

FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections on Medical vs. Non-Medical Credit Disputes

If your non-medical disputed balances equal to or exceed $1,000 and are not the result of identity theft, a human underwriter must manually underwrite your application. You’ll probably have to explain and document why you’re disputing the account.  Suppose your non-medical disputed accounts result from identity theft, credit card theft, or unauthorized use. In that case, your application can go through AUS if you document the theft, for instance, with a police report.

FHA Loan Approval With Charged-Off Accounts

FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections

Homebuyers with outstanding collections and charge-offs don’t need to pay them off unless their lender’s overlays require it.  Per FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections, home buyers do not have to pay unpaid debts to qualify for an FHA loan.  Call Gustan Cho Associates at 800-900-8569 or text us for a faster response for an FHA home loan with no lender overlays. Or email us at gcho@gustancho.com. The team at Gustan Cho Associates is available seven days a week, on evenings, weekends, and holidays. 

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FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections: Difference Between Charge-Offs and Collection Accounts?

Each mortgage loan program has its minimum mortgage lending guidelines:


Lenders DO need to meet the minimum mortgage lending guidelines. However, each mortgage lender can have higher mortgage lending standards that surpass the minimum guidelines, which are overlays. These additional higher lending standards are called Mortgage Lender Overlays or Investor Overlays.  HUD guidelines state that charge-offs do not have to be paid and do not count. Borrowers with charge-offs can qualify for FHA loans.

How Can You Get Rid of Charged-Off Accounts Reporting on Credit Reports?

Here are ways of getting rid of charge-offs:

  • Pay off the charge-off account
  • Consumers can settle the charge off for less than full face value
  • They can get a paid-off settlement letter from the creditor and make sure that the credit bureaus report it as settled
  • Let the statute of limitations expire
  • The statute of limitations on collections and charge-offs depends on each state
  • Filing Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will discharge the charge-offs, and you will no longer be liable for the charge-off accounts

FHA Loans With Collections

The older the charge-off account is, the less likely the creditor will come after consumers for the charge-off account. Charge-off accounts can be sold to third-party collection agencies for pennies on the dollar. So until you pass the statute of limitations on collections and charge-offs, the charge-off accounts can still haunt consumers. Remember that FHA guidelines on charge-offs state that borrowers do not have to pay off charge-off accounts to qualify for an FHA loan. However, the lender may have overlays on charge-off accounts and may not qualify you due to charge-offs.

How Charge-Offs Are Reported on Credit Reports

I get many calls from borrowers whose loan officers told me they knew that FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs do not count, but the borrower does not qualify because their charge-offs have a balance. The loan officer does not know how to read credit reports.

ALL CHARGE-OFFS ON CREDIT REPORTS HAVE OUTSTANDING BALANCES REPORTED. The borrowers who came to me for consultation were told they would qualify if the charge-offs had zero balances.

There are no zero balance charge-offs reported on credit reports. You will have an outstanding balance reported on all consumer credit reports.

FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections Versus Lender Overlays

There is a difference between FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections and what the lender can require. What Are Lender Overlays?

Lender Overlays are mortgage lending guidelines instituted by the individual mortgage lender and NOT FHA, VA, USDA, FANNIE MAE, or FREDDIE MAC Guidelines.

All lenders must ensure their borrowers meet the minimum HUD agency guidelines. However, lenders can have higher standards than the minimum HUD agency guidelines. Lenders can have FHA lender overlays on credit scores, collections, charged-off accounts, debt-to-income ratios, and about anything.

Best FHA Lenders For Borrowers With Charged-Off Accounts

Some individual lenders require you to pay these accounts before closing an FHA home loan.  You can either pay them or find a lender that doesn’t have this overlay.  If unpaid non-medical collection accounts exceed $2,000, HUD requires mortgage underwriters to add 5% of the balance to your monthly debt payments when qualifying you for financing.

Do All Lenders Have The Same FHA Charge-Off Guidelines?

Several lenders impose additional requirements regarding charge-offs and collections, often called lender overlays. Charge-offs occur when a creditor has attempted to collect a consumer’s debt but ultimately writes it off. Despite the charge-off, consumers remain responsible for the debt; creditors retain the right to pursue repayment.

Do Lenders Require Charge-Off Accounts To Be Paid For FHA Loan Approval

Old collection accounts that the creditor deems uncollectible are often listed as “charged off” on your credit report. You most likely still owe the money. However, FHA guidelines do not require paying outstanding charged-off accounts to qualify for a mortgage. If your lender tells you you must pay a charge-off, that’s an overlay, not an FHA requirement. You can choose to comply or find another lender. 

Can Lenders Require Collections and Charge-Offs to Be Paid For FHA Loan Approval?

Typical overlays required by mortgage lenders are the following:

  • Charge-offs cannot exceed $2,000
  • The charge-offs need to be paid
  • 5% of the charge-off balance needs to be calculated on debt-to-income ratios

Charge-offs need a written payment agreement, and three months of payment seasoning needs to be made by borrowers.

Best Mortgage Lenders For Bad Credit With Low Credit Scores

With charged-off accounts, there are requirements by HUD, the parent of FHA, that need to be paid. Charged-off accounts with balances do not matter when calculating debt-to-income ratios like collection accounts.

5% of the non-medical collection account balances must be calculated for debt-to-income ratios, not with charged-off accounts.

Borrowers said they do not qualify for an FHA loan due to having charge-off accounts on the credit report. Contact us at Gustan Cho Associates at 800-900-8569 or text for a faster response.  Borrowers can email us at alex@gustancho.com. Borrowers can also email us at alex@gustancho.com seven days a week, evenings, weekends, and holidays. Gustan Cho Associates is available to take calls or email mortgage inquiries. We represent a five-star national mortgage lender with no overlays on FHA, VA, USDA, and Conventional loans.

FAQ: FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections For 2024

  • 1. What are FHA Guidelines on Charge-Offs and Collections? FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections provide crucial information for individuals seeking an FHA loan. These guidelines allow borrowers with outstanding charge-offs and collection accounts to qualify for FHA financing without the obligation to settle these accounts beforehand.

  • 2. Do I have to pay off charged-off accounts for an FHA loan approval? No, FHA guidelines do not require borrowers to pay off charged-off accounts to qualify for an FHA loan. Lenders may have their own requirements, known as overlays, but FHA itself does not mandate paying off these accounts.

  • 3. Can I qualify for an FHA loan with collections on my credit report? Yes, according to FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections, borrowers can qualify for FHA loans even with outstanding collection accounts, provided that non-medical collection account balances do not exceed $2,000. However, lenders may require additional documentation or payment agreements in certain cases.

  • 4. What’s the difference between FHA guidelines and lender overlays? FHA guidelines set minimum standards for loan qualification, while lender overlays are additional requirements imposed by individual mortgage lenders. While FHA guidelines are uniform across lenders, overlays can vary, potentially affecting loan eligibility.

  • 5. How do charged-off accounts affect FHA loan approval? Charged-off accounts do not need to be paid off to qualify for an FHA loan according to FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections. However, lenders may have overlays specifying payment requirements or debt-to-income ratio calculations.

  • 6. Can I dispute charged-off accounts on my credit report? Yes, borrowers can dispute charged-off accounts on their credit reports. However, manual underwriting may be required if the disputed balance exceeds $1,000 and is not related to identity theft. Documentation of the dispute may also be necessary for loan approval.

  • 7. How do I address charged-off accounts on my credit report? Options for addressing charged-off accounts include paying off the balance, settling for less than the full amount, or waiting for the statute of limitations to expire. Filing for bankruptcy is another option that can discharge charged-off accounts.

  • 8. Are there zero balance charge-offs reported on credit reports? No, all charge-offs reported on credit reports have outstanding balances. Despite this, FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections do not require borrowers to pay off these accounts for loan approval.

  • 9. How do I find the best mortgage lenders for bad credit with low credit scores? Gustan Cho Associates specializes in assisting borrowers with previous credit challenges, including low credit scores and charged-off accounts, while adhering strictly to FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections. Contact them for personalized assistance with FHA loan approval.

This blog on FHA guidelines on charge-offs and collections was updated on February 20, 2024.

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