Top Mortgage Producer

What Makes A Top Mortgage Producer In The Lending Industry

Gustan Cho Associates are mortgage brokers licensed in 48 states

This Article On What Makes A Top Mortgage Producer In The Lending Industry

I spent the greater part of a week at a mortgage summit called the Master Mind Summit. I didn’t leave with that much useful new information, but I left reenergized with very useful previously learned, and sometimes practiced techniques and information. This phrase kind of summarizes it all:

“It’s important to constantly reinvent ourselves, by doing what our former selves did in the past to be successful. Sometimes the best ideas (inventions) were already invented.”

In this article, we will discuss and cover What Makes A Top Mortgage Producer In The Lending Industry.

What Are Top Mortgage Producer Doing Currently?

What is great about these Master Mind Summits is you learn or see what other top producers are doing currently, and in the past, as in most cases because they are teaching or selling some training program to mortgage loan officers, to be successful. The trick is to be consistently successful.

Mortgage Training In Being A Top Mortgage Producer

The danger of one of these Master Mind Summits is you leave with too much info, and you feel you have to incorporate too many techniques. Well this will never happen and you then enter the world of “over-analysis paralysis” and they accomplish nothing. You may actually go backward in that this “over-analysis paralysis” will cause your mortgage loan originations to suffer. The other big danger is the “feverish flux” or the constant flow of energy that actually produces nothing; and I have been here. Many originators, even top originators, will also realize they have been in this cycle as well.

Tips In Becoming A Top Mortgage Producer

These MasterMind Summits should be very productive for mortgage loan originators if you follow these 10 simple rules that are rarely, or not frequently pointed out at these kinds of events:

  • Review early( a day or 2 after)what you learned
  • Go over your notes
  • Evaluate realistic techniques that your wish to apply to your origination routine as early as you can after the Master Mind Summit or any other sales orientated event, class, or webinar
  • Picked 2 to 4 strategies, techniques, or organization tactics you wish to implement into your mortgage origination routine
  • Write your plan to enhance your Mortgage Loan Origination Routine down
  • Give yourself a realistic amount of time to implement the plan you set for yourself
  • Don’t expect it to happen overnight
  • More importantly, set a time at least once a week to review your plan and grade yourself
  • Never be hard on yourself for not following your plan exactly every single week
  • Remember, you probably were not following this plan before the Mortgage Master Mind Summit and it will take time to develop a routine
  • Pick some aspect or technique you have done that has been successful in the past and add it to your new routine. Write it down, and make sure it is part of your written plan

The reality is that above all communication with your existing clients, your new clients, and your referral partners will be as important as anything. Make sure you have some type of follow up system or steps built into your plan.

The Importance Of Communication

Make sure your processing staff is on the same page with you when it comes to communication. If they do not have the same philosophy or practices in place, it needs to be addressed with upper management. If upper management is unwilling to address the lack of communication issues, you have a real problem.

  • Always update your clients and referral partners
  • This holds true even if you have nothing to report
  • Report you to have nothing to report and if there is something or someone you are waiting for
  • It is common in the entire mortgage industry to have timeline delays and to have unexpected interruptions, as well as communication mishaps
  • If your processor has not yet received an update from an underwriter, they simply need to point this out
  • If you have not yet heard back from a title company, you need to point this out
  • Ironically, by pointing out a lack of communications like this, you and your processor are communicating better
  • Hire an assistant or set a goal to have an assistant help you accomplish your plan and even possibly add more actions to your plan
  • I realize an assistant may not be in your budget right now
  • If this is the case, set a future date to add that person

Be completely honest even if the information is not that pleasant. If someone asks you a question, you answer it. If they are getting advice from another lender and it’s correct, point out it is correct. If it is incorrect, politely point out why it is incorrect and give the questioner a place to reference the correct information. Gustan Cho Associates is a national five-star mortgage company licensed in multiple states with no lender overlays on government and conventional loans.

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