Horrible Bosses

This guide covers horrible bosses to work for at mortgage companies. Being that I have now had 8 jobs in my fairly young career, I have run into some pretty awful bosses. I do my best not to take these situations too seriously, because at the end of the day it is just that, a job. However, I do like to use these situations as a learning experience for when I am a manager to make sure I don’t treat my employees like I have been treated in the past. In this article, we will discuss and cover about horrible bosses to work for at mortgage companies. We will cover how horrible bosses can and will hinder a professional’s livelihood.

Types of Horrible Bosses

There are different types of horrible bosses I have run into, but all of them have 3 major flaws that show themselves in one way or another. The first and most annoying trait that a bad boss has had is micro-managing anything and everything you do. This is that boss that is always in constant contact with you needing to know what you are doing at all times of the day. They sit there daily and check on you with this sense of nervousness as to not lose you. This is also a boss who can’t get much done as they are worried about you delivering them what they are looking for. As you sit in your cubicle, you can’t help but think “what is my boss doing all day?  Oh yeah, that’s right, taking the credit for everything I am doing…”

Working at Small versus Large Mortgage Companies

When I was working for a fortune 500 manufacturer with revenues over $15 billion, I had a boss who would not leave me alone. It was always, “where are you going,” “when is that report going to be done,” or “why did you leave on time?”  It didn’t matter that 2-3 days each week we had a status update meeting where it laid out what we were working on and when it would be finished. It got to the point where I had to leave to get out from under his “leadership”. I have worked at small versus larger mortgage companies. Be prepared to have your co-workers know all of your business in smaller companies. Larger companies has too many layers and it is hard to get answers to questions. One boss may say yes but the higher boss may say no.

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Horrible Bosses and Micro Managers

Another lovely feature I have come into contact with is what I am calling the “clock watcher.” Let me explain what I mean, this is the boss that constantly needs to have tabs on you, when you show up, when you leave, and when you take your lunch. Ever since I graduated from college, I haven’t had an hourly wage job and have always been a salaried employee. Now from what I understand being an employee with a salary, yes, I do not get overtime, but I should be given some leniency if I need to come in a bit late or leave a little early.

Horrible Bosses That Monitor Break Time

Horrible Bosses That Monitor Break Time

At my 2nd job out of college, my boss constantly would talk to me about “making up my time”. Yes, I had a doctor’s appointment and came in at 9:30 which is later than my 8:00 start time. However, was it ever taken into account that every month I was working at least a half-day on 1 or 2 Saturdays or that I would put in 50+ hour weeks during monthly/quarterly audits?  As you could probably imagine, this would wear on you rather easily, and before too long, I had moved on from this job as well. Don’t sell me on the job having flexibility and then you watch my time like the payroll police!

Horrible Bosses and Backstabbers

The final characteristic I will get into is the backstabber. This is that boss we have all had and they are the ones who will be the first to push the blame onto you when things don’t go their way. It obviously had to be the person compiling the data’s fault, but no fault to the manager who was supposed to review said data. Another minor characteristic that comes along with this is these managers are bona fide brown-nosers.

Power Hungry Horrible Bosses at Mortgage Companies

They are so obsessed with trying to cover up their downfalls that they suck up so much to their boss that it is ridiculous. At the same time, their boss is too blind to see what is going on. At my 1st job, I had a manager who fit this profile to a “t”  . When it was time for the praise to be handed out, he took it all for himself. But when there was just the slightest thing wrong, I was thrown under the bus. I was in a position where I couldn’t win or please anyone. It wasn’t worth fighting because I was outnumbered by people, not on my side. It drove me crazy and I moved on from here as well.

How Not To Be Horrible Bosses

Now I have used all of these situations as a learning experience to make sure that when I am managing people, I never treat my employees like this as I have first-hand accounts of how demoralizing this can be. The last thing I want is for my employees to despise me. I take pride in going to battle for my team and leading by example. When I need to, I will fall on the sword for them. I am also very flexible with hours, as long as the time is put in and the work is done, all is good in my world.

Trusting Employees By Bosses

If you don’t give me a reason to keep track of what you are doing, I won’t. Now, if you are falling behind or delivering sub-par work, then we will have an issue. I think this is why I always develop teams everywhere I go that will give me 100% all the time. They know I appreciate what they are doing and the hard work they put it in. Let this be a lesson, take care of your employees so you don’t have to find new ones!

Over the years, many have voiced their discontent regarding managing certain mortgage companies, dubbing them horrible to work for. Here are some common questions about the experiences people had:

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What is Considered Bad Behavior Initially?

Let me rephrase! Who are the ‘horrible bosses ‘in the mortgage industry doing wrong?

A Few of The Common, Expected, and Stereotypical Negative Behaviors Include:

  • Constantly looking over the individual’s shoulder and invading their space – Micromanagement!
  • Deciding not to provide necessary information – Failing to address certain issues!
  • Expecting unattainably high goals to be met – Unforgiving ambition!
  • Preferring certain individuals over others – Inferiority complex!
  • Not caring about the shared work-life balance – Lack of compassion and understanding!

Is it Just Me, or Do The Mortgage Companies Compound The Already-Affected By a Toxic Environment? But How?

Toxic Leadership Isn’t Exactly Fog and Rainbows and Can Affect Employees in The Following Ways:

  • Encouraging involuntary job switching – High Turnover Rates!
  • Settle for stress fatigue – Burnouts!
  • Underperformance and unproductivity lead to lowered outputs – Decreased Productivity!
  • Inability to recruit gainfully – Damaged Reputation!

Is Being Insensitive To The Feelings and Emotions of Your Employees Over-Pushing Sales Quotas Normalized? Are Vague Job Descriptions Slowly Becoming Acceptable?

What happened to customer gratification? Don’t stress. For a mortgage company or employer, these are all red flags to be worried about:

  • Putting all the weight on the scales without mentioning support – Sales quota hype
  • Rinse and repeat – Vague job attitudes.
  • Trolling through websites to check for feedback – Negative reviews
  • High Turnover: Inquire about employees staying to inquire how long it will take them.

Things to Do If Horrible Bosses is Managing Your Record Global Issues

Keep a complete record of events, dates, names, and other related witnesses.

Act-On Related Issues But Do So Professionally:

Please talk with your boss about any problems he is doing constructively. If you have Unresolved Problems with your Boss, report them to HR or a Senior Manager. If the problem is still there, contact HR or a higher-level manager to settle the issue.

Be Aware Of Your Rights Either

Learn the company’s policies and the country’s labor laws.

Think About Changing Jobs Due to Horrible Bosses

If everything else fails and you’re still in a harmful working atmosphere, seeking a new role is wise.

There Are Occupations or Industries With Horrible Bosses More Often Than Others, Like Mortgage Companies.

There are people with poor leadership qualities in every position, but the following people are more easily found:

  • Sales Teams: High-target sales could create a high-stress environment.
  • Underwriting Departments: Stress is caused by a combination of deadlines and the severity of the review.
  • Loan Processing: Departmental miscommunication could result in shifts of blame too frequently.

What’s Your Take On How a Toxic Horrible Bosses Can Cause a Dent in My Career in The Mortgage Industry?

Sure, horrible bosses may:

  • Stopping or Slowing Growth in Career: There are few chances to learn something new or retire further.
  • Reputation: Poisoning managers may gossip about you with negative talks about your other charges.
  • Career Skills Deteriorates: A competitive environment can degrade your efforts, making it hard for you to be efficient.

What Characteristics Make Mortgage Businesses Have Horrible Bosses?

  • Embarrassment: Management refuses to address issues and complaints, including poor leader behavior.
  • Poor Retention Rates: Workers quit because the management is weak.
  • Bad Image: The organization encourages leaders to misbehave.
  • Unequal Treatment: Everyone is treated differently about the rules.

How Can I Work Comfortably Under Horrible Bosses? What Can I Do So That I Do Not Stress Over My Mental Health?

  • Keep Some Space: Allow unreasonable requests to be met, but only by asking in a more polite and non-confrontational manner.
  • Seek Guidance: It can be your colleagues, friends, or a professional counselor {who can provide comfort and help}.
  • Self-Aid: Sleeping normally, exercising, and other activities effectively relieve stress.
  • Construct Exit Channels: You can devise a strategy for changing jobs if it is no longer bearable.

Are Employees Entitled To Any Legal Shields Against Holding Toxic Horrible Bosses Responsible?

Yes, it may include some legal shields, such as:

  • Anti-Discrimination Policies: If you’re being targeted because of the discrimination boss policy.
  • Overtime Exemptions: Laws regarding overtime law exemptions, wage regulation, and working environment.
  • Protection Against Retaliation: Protection against retaliation for whistleblowers who report unethical or illegal conduct of the company.

How Can The Issue of Horrible Bosses Be Solved in The Mortgage Business?

  • Leadership Development: Give leaders the tools and training to be real and people-centered people-centered leaders.
  • Clear Policies: Enact and enforce appropriate measures that counter abuse.
  • Employee Support: Resources like counseling or mentorship programs can be helpful.

A toxic boss’s rise and almighty strength in the mortgage industry can destroy employees, derail company culture, and demolish business results. However, with a better understanding of the signs and proactive measures, employees and organizations can continue striving to build a better, more meaningful workplace.

About The Author of Horrible Bosses

Alex Carlucci is a senior loan officer at Gustan Cho Associates Mortgage Group. Alex Carlucci is also a contributing associate editor and staff writer for Gustan Cho Associates Mortgage And Real Estate Information Center and author of this guide on horrible bosses.

Alex Carlucci is also an assistant area sales manager for Gustan Cho Associates. Alex is a licensed mortgage loan originator. He is aggressively recruiting individuals who are looking for a career as a loan officer. Alex Carlucci’s passion is helping others succeed, whether they are borrowers or motivated individuals who are looking at starting a career as a mortgage loan officer.

This guide on horrible bosses was updated on December 24th, 2024

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