Fannie Mae Guidelines On Second Homes

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes

Gustan Cho Associates are mortgage brokers licensed in 48 states

This article covers Fannie Mae Guidelines on second homes mortgage financing. There are three types of mortgage loans when it comes to residential financing.

  1. Primary homes
  2. Second homes
  3. Investment homes

Primary home financing is owner-occupant homes. Homeowners will reside in the home as their primary residence. A primary home is a property that the buyer will occupy for at least six months and one day at the subject property. Primary home financing is the loan program of choice. This is due to lenders viewing it as the least.

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes Versus Owner-Occupant Homes

Primary homes offer the lowest amount of down payment and the lowest interest rate. Lenders view borrowers financing the primary home to be least likely to default on their mortgage loan than they would an investment property or second home. Government loan programs such as FHA, VA, and USDA offer primary home financing only. Conventional loans offer primary, second home, and investment home financing. Buyers seeking second home financing or investment home financing need to go with a conventional loan program

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes Versus Investment Loans

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There are strict rules when it comes to Fannie Mae guidelines on second homes. Many folks wonder why Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac make such a big deal with second home financing. The reason why there are strict rules and regulations with second home financing. This is because second home loans offer much more relaxed and lenient lending guidelines than investment homes. Click here to know more about Fannie Mae Guidelines  on Second Home

Mortgage Rates on Financing Second Homes

Mortgage rates on second home financing are much lower than investment home financing. Second-home financing is often 050% or lower. Down payment requirements are much lower on second home financing versus investment homes. The minimum down payment requirement for second home financing is 10% down payment versus 20% or more with investment homes. There are no reserve requirements with second home financing. With investment homes, three to six months of reserves may be required.

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes Distance Requirements

As long as borrowers qualify with credit and income, there are certain criteria to meet second home financing guidelines.  The second home purchase needs to make sense. If a second home buyer currently owns a home and wants to purchase a similar home in their neighborhood, that will not qualify as a second home. Why would a home buyer need another home nearby primary home that is similar in size and value? Most mortgage underwriters will consider this type of second home purchase request as an investment home purchase:

How Does Mortgage Underwriters Classify Second Home Versus Investment Homes

The bottom line is that the second home needs to make sense to be classified as a second home. For example, here is a case scenario: If you live in Illinois and want to purchase a second home in Florida that will make sense and the mortgage underwriter will not question that at all. However, if the buyer lives in Chicago and want to purchase a second home in Schaumburg, a suburb of Chicago that is only 10 miles away that will not make sense. If the buyer had a home in Tampa, Florida, and want to purchase a home in Orlando nearby Walt Disney World it is nearby the primary home the purchase will make sense. This is alright because the second home buyer is purchasing the second home in a resort area. It is the same if the buyer lives in Tampa but wants to buy an oceanfront condominium in Clearwater, Florida. That will make sense even though it is nearby because the second property purchase is a waterfront property

How Mortgage Underwriters Determine Whether a Home Purchase is a Second Home Versus an Investment Property

Mortgage underwriters are not dummies. They have heard many excuses so do not try to pull a fast one. The case scenario needs to make sense to them. Most second homes need to be at least 100 miles from the primary homeowner’s residence to qualify. Exemption to distance requirements is when the second home is a waterfront property or in a resort area.

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes Without Having a Primary Residence

Fannie Mae Guidelines on second homes does not require second home buyers to own primary homes. If borrowers currently do not own a home and rent or live with relatives, they can still qualify to purchase a second home without owning a primary residence. For example, if the buyer is living with parents in Illinois and wants to purchase a home in Florida, they can purchase the Florida property as a second home. A 10% down payment on a second home with a conventional mortgage loan.

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes and Eligibility Requirements

Second-home financing is conventional loans and conforming Fannie Mae Guidelines On Second Homes apply. FHA, VA, and USDA loan programs do not have second home financing programs. 10% minimum down payment is required. Both the primary and proposed second home mortgage payments will be used to qualify debt to income ratios.

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes After Bankruptcy

Buyers with prior bankruptcy and/or foreclosure, waiting period after bankruptcy, or foreclosure can qualify for a conventional loan. Four years after Chapter 7, deed in lieu, the foreclosure waiting period to qualify for conventional loans. There is a 7-year waiting period after a foreclosure is required to qualify for a conventional loan. There is a four-year waiting period after the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy dismissal date. There is a two-year waiting period after the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy discharge date. For borrowers with a mortgage included in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, there is a mandatory four-year waiting period to qualify for a conventional loan. Click here to apply for Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Home after bankruptcy

Get Pre-Approved For a Second Home Mortgage Loan

Get Pre-Approved For A Second Home MortgageBorrowers who need to qualify for a mortgage with a five-star mortgage company licensed in multiple states with no lender overlays, please contact us at Gustan Cho Associates at 800-900-8569. Or text us for a faster response. Borrowers can also email us at

Getting Approved on a Second Homewith No Overlays on Conventional Loans

Gustan Cho Associates is empowered by NEXA Mortgage and AXEN Mortgage and have the ability to broker mortgage loans. NEXA Mortgage dba Gustan Cho Associates are mortgage brokers. AXEM Mortgage is a dba of NEXA Mortgage, LLC and is a correspondent mortgage lender. Gustan Cho Associates has over 160 wholesale lending relationships with wholesale non-QM and alternative lenders. Some of the popular non-QM loan programs we offer are bank statement mortgage loans with no income tax required, non-QM loans one day out of bankruptcy and foreclosure, asset depletion, no-doc loans, P and L only mortgages, fix and flip mortgages, investor cash flow mortgages.

Related> Can a second home purchase be a primary home?

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes and For Homebuyers

In this blog, we will cover and discuss second home mortgage loans lending guidelines. Second home mortgage loans have specific mortgage lending guidelines. Government loans are for owner-occupant properties only. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac allow second home loans and investment home financing on conventional loans.

Mortgage Rates on Second Homes

Mortgage rates on second homes are similar to primary owner occupant homes. However, mortgage rates on investment homes are substantially higher than on primary and second homes. Second homes only require a 10% down payment. Down payment requirements on investment homes are normally 20% or more depending on the type of property.

Second Home Mortgage Loan Programs

Gustan Cho has dozens of second home mortgage loan programs besides Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac conforming loans. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Guidelines on second home mortgage loans have specific lending requirements on second home financing. Second home mortgage loans are all conventional loan programs. Gustan Cho Associates offers second home mortgage loans via non-QM loans and bank statement loans. Government loans (FHA, VA, USDA) are for owner-occupant homes only. To qualify for second home mortgage loans, borrowers need to qualify for minimum conventional lending guidelines.

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes Credit Score Requirements

620 score is the minimum credit score required to qualify for conventional loans. However, a 620 credit score is considered a very low credit score for conventional loans. Borrowers with a 620 credit score, the chances are that they will get hit with paying a high mortgage rate. For the best possible mortgage rate on a conventional mortgage rate, borrowers should have a 740 plus credit score. For example, today’s mortgage rate for a mortgage loan borrower with a 620 credit score for a conventional loan, the mortgage rates will be very high plus discount points may be required. Borrowers with 740 credit scores will get the best mortgage rates on second home mortgage loans.

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes Versus Investment Property

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For a home to be classified as a second home, it needs to be some distance away from the borrower’s primary residence. At least 60 or more miles. For second homes that are closer than 60 miles from the borrower’s primary residence, the second home needs to serve a purpose. Why is it a second home? The second home purchase needs to make sense. Is it classified as a second home because of the following:

  • being a waterfront property
  • resort area like being near Disney World
  • golf course property
  • other unique out of the ordinary features

A 10% minimum down payment is required for a second home purchase. Mortgage Rates on second homes are similar to primary homes. Apply For Second Home, click here

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes on Debt-to-Income Ratios

Both the primary residence and second home mortgage payments are calculated when qualifying for the borrower’s debt to income ratios. If the second home is rented part of the year or is part of the homeowners association rental program, that rental income cannot be used towards income to offset the second home housing expenses.

Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes Verus Other Mortgage Loan Options

There are many times when the buyer cannot qualify for a second home due to higher debt to income ratios. One option to overcome that is to purchase the second home as an investment home. If the home buyer can put a 25% down payment on a home purchase and goes for an investment property mortgage loan, then the borrower can use 75% of the potential market rental income towards the calculation of his or her debt to income qualification. This is even though they have no lease and they are not planning on renting the second home.

Getting Pre-Approved For Second Home Financing

The appraiser will decide what the market rent will be and 75% of the market rent. The figure the appraiser comes up with for market rent will be used towards income for the borrower. Home Buyers who need to qualify for a mortgage with a lender with no overlays on government and conventional loans can contact us at Gustan Cho Associates at 800-900-8569 or text us for a faster response. Or email us at We have zero mortgage lender overlays on FHA, VA, USDA, and Conventional loans. We are also correspondent lenders on non-QM loans and bank statement loans for self-employed borrowers.

FAQ on Fannie Mae Guidelines on Second Homes

  • 1. What is the primary focus of financing for homeowners? Primary home financing is the preferred loan program for lenders, offering the lowest down payment and interest rates. It is designed for owner-occupant homes, where the buyer will reside for at least six months and one day.
  • 2. Why are there strict rules for second home financing, according to Fannie Mae? Fannie Mae imposes strict rules on second home financing because it generally has more relaxed lending guidelines than investment homes. This helps mitigate risks associated with mortgage default.
  • 3. How do mortgage rates on second homes compare to investment homes? Mortgage rates on second homes are significantly lower than on investment homes, often around 0.50% or lower. Additionally, down payment requirements are lower for second-home financing.
  • 4. According to Fannie Mae, What are the distance requirements for second homes? The property must be at least 100 miles from the primary homeowner’s residence to qualify as a second home. However, exemptions to this rule include waterfront properties or homes in resort areas.
  • 5. Can buyers qualify for second home financing without owning a primary residence? Fannie Mae guidelines do not require second home buyers to own a primary residence. Buyers can still qualify for a second home mortgage even if they rent or live with relatives.
  • 6. How do mortgage underwriters determine whether a home purchase is a second home or an investment property? Mortgage underwriters evaluate the case scenario to ensure it makes sense. Most second homes must be at least 100 miles from the primary residence. Exceptions include waterfront properties or homes in resort areas.
  • 7. According to Fannie Mae, What are the eligibility requirements for second-home financing? Second-home financing follows conventional loans, requiring a 10% minimum down payment. The primary and proposed second home mortgage payments are used to calculate debt-to-income ratios.
  • 8. How long is the waiting period for buyers with prior bankruptcy or foreclosure to qualify for a conventional loan? Buyers with a prior Chapter 7 bankruptcy or foreclosure must wait four years to qualify for a conventional loan. A 7-year period is required after a foreclosure, and a four-year period follows Chapter 13 bankruptcy dismissal.
  • 9. How can borrowers get pre-approved for a second home mortgage loan? Borrowers looking for pre-approval with a lender licensed in multiple states and no lender overlays can contact Gustan Cho Associates at 800-900-8569 or email at
  • 10. What mortgage rate considerations should borrowers be aware of based on credit scores? While a 620 credit score is the minimum required for conventional loans, borrowers with higher credit scores, such as 740 or above, will secure the best mortgage rates on second-home loans.
  • 11. How are debt-to-income ratios calculated for second homes? The primary residence and second home mortgage payments are considered when calculating debt-to-income ratios. Rental income from the second home cannot be used if it is rented part of the year or part of a homeowners association rental program.
  • 12. Can buyers use rental income to qualify for a second home mortgage? Rental income cannot offset second-home housing expenses unless the second home is rented for part of the year or is part of a homeowners association rental program.
  • 13. What options are available for buyers who cannot qualify for a second home due to higher debt-to-income ratios? Buyers facing challenges in qualifying for a second home may consider purchasing the property as an investment home, allowing them to use 75% of potential market rental income to calculate debt-to-income ratios.

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  1. Good morning MS Cho,
    I rent an apartment in the state, where I have worked for years and I own a four unit rental property, 150 miles out of state. I have been occupying a unit for the purpose of caring for the property. Since I purchased this property, I have never used a property manager. This is the place where I spend much of my time. Since I don’t own a home in the state where I’m living, can tis rental property be refinanced as a first or a 2nd home?
    please shed some light for me.
    Thank you

    1. You would have to either refinance it as a second home and/or investment property. It can be done. Please contact us at with your contact information so we can set us a time for us to talk and see what loan program is best for you.

  2. Good morning,

    I came across your website today as I was looking to see if it was possible to obtain a mortgage in spite of having late mortgage payments in the past 12 months.
    We had an unexpected change in our family dynamics. We did not want to fall behind on mortgage payments so we contact our mortgage company to inquire if there was a program to assist us, perhaps refinancing. We were told the only thing they can offer was a 6-month forbearance plan where we paid only half of the mortgage for 6 months. What was not made clear to us was that they expected us to pay the total balance due at the end of that period? We thought it would be added to the balance of our mortgage. We were not able to pay that balance, it was close to $6,000. They gave another 6 months forbearance plan. Our payments were also reported late. We had a very difficult time communicating with anyone from that company. There was not a person assigned to our account. We always spoke to someone different who gave us different information. When they finally returned a call, it would be a message asking us to call back. It was a nightmare.

    We decided at that time to just sell our house as the situation seemed hopeless and we did not want to foreclose.

    I spoke to a friend/lender and he told us we would have to wait until May 2022 to apply for a mortgage as that was the last “on time” reported payment.

    I read some of your articles on Non-QM loans and wondered if that is something we might qualify for? I’m sure you know how crazy the market is currently. We are paying more for a 2 rental apartment than we had paid for our mortgage and our lease expires in January.

    We have also been working with Lexington Law to help improve our credit score.

    I appreciate any information you can provide.

    Thank you so much for your time.

  3. Hello Gustan,

    I bought a house in another state as a “Second home” and received a loan for 10% down payment.

    In the contract it says:

    “I/we will occupy the subject property as my/our second residence as required by, and in compliance with, the terms of the Deed of Trust/Mortgage/Security Instrument relating to the subject property.”

    So my question is: can I rent out this property right after the the purchase?

    Thanks in advance for your time!

  4. Good afternoon,

    I have a question. Me and my husband currently own a home in California and are interested in purchasing land and building a modular home as a second home to rent out in Texas. Would that qualify as a second home or would we ask for an investment loan? Another question would be if we decide to sell our primary home after getting the second home years down the line would that be okay to do?

    Thank you in advance,

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