Advice for Homebuyers

Advice for Homebuyers

Buying a first home can be exciting, especially for first-time homebuyers. And it can also be a stressful process if you’re concerned about getting loan approval. It’s important to determine how much home you can afford before you go home shopping. And it will help you negotiate for your house if you have a pre-approved mortgage before you make an offer.

Qualifying For Mortgage After Debt Settlement Versus Bankruptcy

Tens of thousands of consumers do everything in their power and avoid declaring bankruptcy because they think bankruptcy is the end of their credit life. This is not true. Many opt for debt settlement versus bankruptcy. However, many lenders treat debt settlement the same as bankruptcy. Other lenders treat debt settlement worse than bankruptcy.

Most Affordable States For Home Buyers To Purchase Home In 2021

Most Affordable States For Home Buyers To Purchase Home In 2021

Remote job positions enable homebuyers to purchase homes in other states. This is because remote wage earners no longer have to report to a brick-and-mortar location. Many people are fleeing high-taxed cities and states to lower-taxed states with affordable housing and lower cost of living.

How Credit Balance Impacts Credit Scores To Qualify For Mortgage

How Credit Balance Impacts Credit Scores To Qualify For Mortgage

Borrowers Need To Realize How Credit Balance Impacts Credit Scores To Qualify For Mortgage: The key to getting a low mortgage rate is to maximize your credit scores prior to applying for a mortgage. It can simply be done by paying down your credit card balance to a 10% credit utilization ratio.